Here’s a script that I use to generate the local-url fields for my BibDesk databases necessary for my own scripts to be able to access linked files. The script is only a very minor modification of something I found a while ago on the BibDesk wiki. Also, it is still not perfect, as it would overwrite local-url fields very time it is run. I just don’t have the time and motivation to fix that right now :-(
Add Local-Url fields to all publications, containing a relative (if possible) path to the file encoded in the Bdsk-File-1 entry.
tell application "BibDesk"
set theDoc to get first document
set theFile to (get file of theDoc)
set theDocDir to my containerPath(get file of theDoc)
tell theDoc
set thePublications to displayed publications
repeat with currentpub in thePublications
tell currentpub
set theID to get id
set the value of field "Local-Id" to theID
if ((count of (get linked files)) > 0) and ((get linked file 1) is not missing value) then
set linkedFile to linked file 1
tell linkedFile
set thePath to get POSIX path
end tell
--set thePath to my relativePath(thePath, theDocDir)
(* we might want to change the following line to a conditional,
to prevent that manually changed local-urls get overwritten when
this script is used again *)
set the value of field "Local-Url" to thePath
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on relativePath(fullPath, basePath)
set theLength to length of basePath
if (length of fullPath > theLength) and (text 1 thru theLength of fullPath) = basePath then
return text theLength thru end of fullPath
return fullPath
end if
end relativePath
on containerPath(theFile)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set theComponents to text items of (POSIX path of theFile)
if last item of theComponents is "" and (count of theComponents) > 2 then
set theComponents to items 1 thru -3 of theComponents
set theComponents to items 1 thru -2 of theComponents
end if
return (theComponents as text) & "/"
end containerPath